The Navy's Hurricane Hunters time span was from 1945 to 1975 with the following squadrons from first to last.
Navy Patrol Bomber Squadron 114 (VPB-114).
Weather Squadron Three (VPW-3).
Meteorological Squadron Three (VPM-3).
Heavy Land Based Patrol Bomber Squadron Three (VPHL-3).
Patrol Squadron Twenty-Three (VP-23).
Navy Weather Squadron Two (VJ-2).
Airborne Early Warning Squadron Four (VW-4)
To join the contact person is E.R. Eaton, President Navy Hurricane Hunters Inc. Email to EREATON77@AOL.COM

The '09 Reunion will be at Holiday Inn - Cocoa Beach 1300 North Atlantic Avenue Cocoa Beach, Fl 32931. Dates are October 1st thru October 4th. Telephone 321-783 2271 We must use the code NHR in the group pull down menu to get the $79 rate for online registration or to call direct and mention the Navy Hurricane Hunters.
Branson 2008 Photo Album
Video of Hunters dancing with the band
 !970 - 1971 Year Book in .pdf format (8meg file size)
The annual dues were raised from $15.00 to $25.00 at the Charleston Reunion. When sending in your annual dues please send in the new amount.
Special thanks to: В кассе https://alsalafway.com/ действуют прозрачные правила. Чтобы снять выигрыш, пользователю нужно соблюсти два условия. Речь идет о полной верификации аккаунта и отыгрыше бонусов. Клиент заведения сможет пройти идентификацию через паспорт или права. Бонусы в онлайн-казино отыгрываются в короткие сроки. На это дается срок до 3 суток.
Charleston 2007 photos
Past News Letters